THE SHADES is a darkly thrilling drama about a household of ghosts.
A teenage girl from a broken home takes her own life, but wakes up months later as a ‘shade’ – a ghost. She is taken in by a small group of others, forging an unlikely new family. But that family is nearly torn apart after one of the shades discovers the power to intervene in the physical world, and they are one by one drawn into a pattern of violent revenge against those responsible for their deaths.
This is a feature script that I am now developing for television.
I also planned to write The Shades in prose, as a novel. The first chapter is finished, and you may read this below. I'm not sure when the rest will follow - writing a novel is no small undertaking when you have other projects on the go and a living to earn. If you do take the time to read these pages (there are 13 of them), and you enjoyed, or you didn't, please take another minute to let me know via james.roblin@gmail.com. You will need to enter full screen mode on a decent sized screen to view. Be warned, the story deals with dark themes. All rights reserved, etc.